Pattern illustration of a DNA helix with a light blue background for OGT's corporate brand.

The Quality Control Team

The Quality Control teams primary role is to ensure that the products that are produced by the Production team meet the required quality standards. This is done through a series of processes for testing the product.

Running these tests ensures that when our CytoCell® fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) probes get sent out to customers they are of exceptionally high quality.

Other activities the Quality Control team is responsible for includes:

  • Checking the raw materials that come into the building to make sure they are fit for purpose
  • Calibration and maintenance of equipment
  • Dealing with any customer issues/problems

The Quality Management Team

The Quality Management team oversees the internal processes of the company, viewing the company as a web of interconnected processes and looking at those processes individually (their inputs, outputs, requirements and dependencies) with a view to improving them.

In order to have continual focus on improvement, our Quality Management team strives for incremental growth in the component processes which results in greater operation efficiency of the company overall and better customer service. This is done through quality planning, process analysis and review, internal audit, problem identification, correction, root cause analysis and prevention of recurrence.

The team also monitors compliance of the organisation against international standards and represents the company in external audits from certification bodies.

The Quality Management team interacts with all other teams within the company, monitoring performance, assisting with problem solving, advising on documentation, managing change, assessing suppliers, reporting against metrics or objectives, and defining policies or procedures.