Pattern illustration of DNA helix with a blue background for OGT's CytoSure array product range.

Featured resources

Our latest tip for arrays from our experts

Quantitate your gDNA using a Nanodrop spectrophotometer or a fluorometer e.g. Qubit.

Pete Gray

Array and NGS Field Application Specialist, Europe

Pete Gray Photo
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Our support team is on hand to help, get in touch

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Array tips and troubleshooting

What's wrong with my arrays?

Identify and resolve common problems that occur during the array protocol, including bubble scarring/scotching, poor signal intensity and low Cy5 signal towards the edges of a feature.

Common array protocol problems

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Array tips and troubleshooting

Protocol tips from our array experts

We've gathered information from our experts to share the latest and most helpful tips for arrays, including tips on sample quality, labeling and washing slides.

Lab scientist using a hybridisation oven

Array tutorial videos and webinars

Introduction to CytoSure Interpret

Learn about the workflow and basic feature of our software with our quick overview video to CytoSure Interpret®, a powerful and easy-to-use package for the analysis of aCGH data.

Screenshot of CytoSure aCGH analysis software

All our product documentation can be found on each specific product page. Please search for the product you want documentation for below.

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